Monday, March 14, 2011

Chocolate-collared chocolate cake

November 2009 - Here's our first try at doing a chocolate-collared cake for a gorgeous family's housewarming party:

Christia of LoveIt Food gave us the idea of using slabs of chocolate to surround the cake, i.e., the 'fence'. Thanks, Christia!

What's behind the picket fence? Chocolate sponge cake with white chocolate ganache filling frosted in whipped fresh cream, then dusted with cocoa and powdered chocolate. So, one more photo for posterity's sake, aye?

Thank you for joining us in this sugary-sweet journey!


  1. This cake doesnt only look amazing but tasted great too! Pretty obvious there was a huge amount of effort (and im sure fun!) in baking the cake. Thank u!

  2. It turned out surprisingly well... to be honest with you, we had no real plan (and we most often don't) as to how the cake would look like... and we were glad we didn't. :)
