Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The American Lego Man birthday cake

We thought we'd post this today... as it's only fitting (today is America's Memorial Day). ;p

Faye (Jane's uni friend) asked us to create a birthday cake for her fiancé who loves lego man, is American, and is very patriotic! We were ecstatic making this as we haven't done anything like it before. :D

So here's Mr Lego Man in the making (by Joy):

And the finished product:   ---   *drum roll*

Oh, man, aren't we glad Obama looked like Obama! ;D It's cute!

Happy Memorial Day, America! :)

Happy birthday, Garrett! We hope you liked the cake. :p

and, Congratulations to you and Faye on your upcoming wedding! :D

Thank you for joining us in this sugary-sweet journey!


  1. Obama's portrait on the cake is so clever! I love it!

  2. Thanks! It's edible print, too. :)
    Our first time to use edible print...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. that's really awesome! i love the little flags.. so cute...nice concept :)
